Articles in the placemaking category
Themes, Quotes and Links from the Decent Homes and Liveable Places #2 online event
This is a summary of the main points from our second "How do we create decent homes and liveable places for all in West Yorkshire …
How do we create decent homes and liveable places for all in West Yorkshire # 2
Please join us on Thursday 25 February, 6-7pm on Zoom.
How do we create affordable, green and comfortable homes? Who should build them? How do …
Housing and planning powers in the West Yorkshire Devolution Deal 2020
How can we link ideas for positive change in the region to formal structures, processes and policies in order to influence what actually gets done …
Themes, Quotes and Links from the Homes and Liveable Places online event
This is a transcription of the main points from the "How do we create decent homes and liveable places for all in West Yorkshire?" online …
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