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The Regional Democracy Think Tank for West Yorkshire

Side-by-Side Comparison of West Yorkshire Mayoral Candidates' Ideas

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We've put together a side-by-side comparison of the ideas and pledges of Tracy Brabin, Bob Buxton, Andrew Cooper, Stewart Golton and Matthew Robinson, the main candidates standing to be West Yorkshire mayor.

The ideas and pledges are divided into sections for easier navigation, and they often fit into more than one.

Corrections and clarification are welcome.

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Adult Education and Skills

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Tracy Brabin

Bob Buxton

Andrew Cooper

Stewart Golton

Matthew Robinson

Prioritse skills and training to ensure everyone has skills to secure work.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

Endeavour that local education providers are prepared for the retraining of adults without work.

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Ensure that there are relevant Green Courses on offer for young people with an emphasis on construction and engineering skills.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

A Green mayor would invest £2 million each year in programmes like apprenticeships to develop training and skills and help people access new jobs in the transition to a net-zero economy.

Andrew Cooper

Seek to increase capacity to deliver qualifications in the green growth economy such as arboriculture, renewable energy, and construction.

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

Work with councils to develop a scheme to maximise confidence of parents with underdeveloped literacy and numeracy skills.

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

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Community Safety, Policing

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Tracy Brabin

Bob Buxton

Andrew Cooper

Stewart Golton

Matthew Robinson

Recruit 750 more frontline police officers and staff

Tracy Brabin

More frontline policing.

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

More police, with extra powers and equipment like tasers.

Matthew Robinson

Support police to go further in recruiting more Black, Asian, and ethnic minority officers.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

Greens will make sure our police represent all of us. This means ensuring the police force reflect West Yorkshire's diversity, including its ethnic diversity.

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Make early intervention in anti-social behaviour a priority through supporting councils Early Years and Families offers and funding community youth projects.

Tracy Brabin

Work with communities, educators, and police to prevent crime.

Bob Buxton

Youth crime can not be tackled by discipline alone. We need universal access to high quality youth facilities and open spaces.

Andrew Cooper

My overriding priority will be forward looking; to try and insulate as many young people as possible from our region from being sucked into the criminal justice system in the first place.

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Create a partnership with communities, especially women, young people, and ethnic minorities, to ensure that our police better understand and reflect the communities they serve.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

People across West Yorkshire must have more say in local policing priorities.

Andrew Cooper

Rebuild the delivery of community policing.

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

Clampdown on uninsured drivers, speeding and drink driving.

Bob Buxton

We will give the police the resources to tackle speeding and dangerous driving across West Yorkshire.

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

I’ll bring forward local ward based road safety plans to bring agencies together to make our road safer.

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

Ensure police can tackle adult neighbourhood anti-social behaviour effectively.

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

New “justice reports” so that people know not just the crimes that have taken place but what’s happened to the criminals and the sentences doled out.

Matthew Robinson

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Decent Homes and Liveable Places

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Tracy Brabin

Bob Buxton

Andrew Cooper

Stewart Golton

Matthew Robinson

Build 5000 sustainable home including council houses and affordable homes.

Tracy Brabin

Green homes on regenerated sites with new infrastructure.

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

Seek to get more affordable zero carbon housing built by local building companies.

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Work with partners to ensure that no-one has to sleep rough

Tracy Brabin

and ensure that young people who are sofa-surfing are supported into affordable accommodation.

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

Oppose building on the Greenbelt. Seek to utilise ex-industrial sites.

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

Bring forward brownfield land first and regenerate sites before the greenbelt is considered.

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

We would set up a “Green Building Fund” to make sure all new homes are built to the highest energy-efficiency standards, saving tenants and homeowners money on their bills and that would be better for the environment too.

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

New homes will use the latest green technology to reduce energy generation and use.

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

We will also ensure existing homes are brought up to high energy standards with a “Green New Deal Retrofit Demonstrator” to show government the benefits of large-scale investment in retrofit projects.

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

We would establish a green homes loan fund to help householders to install renewable technology in their home with no upfront costs.

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

Roll out the award winning “Kirklees Warm Zone” which provided every home in Kirklees with free insulation to every home in West Yorkshire.

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Work with co-operative and community-led groups across West Yorkshire to deliver 500 homes currently planned.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Audit of accommodation available to those fleeing domestic violence and ensure there is sufficient accommaodation for all who need it.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Work with disability groups and housing providers to develop a strategy to ensure there is an adequate supply of houses built to inclusive design standards.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Instruct the Co-operative Development and Community Wealth Building Unit to work on developing a not-for-profit West Yorkshire Social Letting Agency.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

Work with councillors and communities to develop '15 minute neighbourhoods.'

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

Revive town, district, and village centres to harness the potential of homeworking.

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Work with local and touring arts organisations to utilise empty shop units for pop up and immersive experiences.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

A cultural hub on every high street.

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Create a bi-annual Town of Culture Award to celebrate the creativity of our towns and villages.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

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Democracy, Participation, Governance and Decentralisation

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Tracy Brabin

Bob Buxton

Andrew Cooper

Stewart Golton

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

Petition for Yorkshire to have a referendum on greater devolved powers.

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

The Green Party has supported a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for many years and we would work hard to see it introduced in West Yorkshire.

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

Andrew and Hawarun will only accept the average West Yorkshire salary of £26,000 per year. The remaining £79,000 will be donated to schemes to help community organisations that are suffering financial hardship and can’t find help from any other source.

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

Will not use the Mayor’s power to levy new taxes.

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

More budget transparency, improved scrutiny and better accountability in spending.

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

And no congestion charge for West Yorkshire.

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

I’ll deliver a new rural strategy for West Yorkshire to ensure that the views of farmers, rural communities, businesses and agencies are heard and involved not just in the planning but the delivery too.

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

Protect public rights of way.

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

Commit to working with partners to develop solutions that are bespoke and shaped by the communities they serve.

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

We will set up a process whereby communities can alert the West Yorkshire Mayor when their localities are threatened by climate breakdown and nature loss so they can be involved in decisions and investments to protect and enhance their environments.

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

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Equality and Inclusion

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Tracy Brabin

Bob Buxton

Andrew Cooper

Stewart Golton

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

I will deliver new Opportunity Areas for West Yorkshire, bringing together schools, colleges, universities, business, the third sector and others to improve life chances and social mobility.

Matthew Robinson

Appoint an Inclusivity Champion to lead work to ensure that under-represented groups including women, Black, Asian and ethnic minority groups, LGBTQ+, and disabled people are consulted, heard, and included.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Prepare impact assessments on accessibility, inclusivity, diversity, and equality in all funding decisions.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Provide learner support funding for all those with learning difficulties and disabilities..

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Spearhead a campaign with Living Wage UK to make West Yorkshire a living wage region.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

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Jobs, Local Businesses, Enterprise, New Industries

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Tracy Brabin

Bob Buxton

Andrew Cooper

Stewart Golton

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

We estimate that the work required to retrofit buildings across West Yorkshire could generate 42,000 jobs alone.

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

a new Mayors Business Board to hear directly from business about the challenges and way we can work together.

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

West Yorkshire as the first gigabit connected region and start delivering that straight away.

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

New homes will use the latest green technology to reduce energy generation and use, better transport links and creating new jobs not just in construction but green technology jobs too.

Matthew Robinson

Encourage investment in the development of new technologies which will contribute to the green recovery and promote transition of carbon intensive industries

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Establish a Co-operative Development and Community Wealth Building Unit.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Establish a Manufacturing Task Force.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Establish the West Yorkshire Innovation Network.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Establish a Digital Skills Partnership and ensure that Digital Enterprise funding supports small and medium sized businesses.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Create 1000 well paid, skilled jobs for young people through the Mayors Youth Employment Scheme and Kickstart Gateway.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Ensure that all young people who have been out of work for 6 months or more have an offer of a job, education, or training.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Call for devolution of West Yorkshire's share of £330m national apprenticeship levy.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Support a West Yorkshire-wide careers advice service.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Work with other organisations to pathway young people into Creative Recovery social proscribing.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Spearhead a digital academy.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Widen Leeds Digital Festival into a West Yorkshire-wide festival.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Provide support for expansion of the Centre of Screen Excellence.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Appoint a Night Czar who will focus on night-time workers and work with the Mayor to co-create a Women and Girls Safety Charter.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

Help farmers generate more renewable energy.

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

The care of our vulnerable and elderly cannot be left to big corporate players, and I hope to develop a quantum growth in small and micro enterprises in community care.

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

Fund the development of new courses and the start up costs of new training centres.

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

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Nature and Bioregion

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Tracy Brabin

Bob Buxton

Andrew Cooper

Stewart Golton

Matthew Robinson

Work to accelerate investment in hard flood defences and natural flood management.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

We also need to protect our rivers, streams, canals and watercourses, not just for flood prevention, but to ensure that our water is clean and I’ll do that so West Yorkshire leads on this.

Matthew Robinson

Work to restore peatlands and conserve moorland.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Support the creation of the White Rose Forest planting 1000s of trees across the region.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

Seek to increase tree cover.

Stewart Golton

I’ll deliver the Northern Forest here in West Yorkshire planting more trees, creating woodland and new habitats.

Matthew Robinson

Promote a focus on heritage conservation and support food supply chains from local farms to local shops.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

Seek to get more food grown locally.

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

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Safety of Woman and Girls

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Tracy Brabin

Bob Buxton

Andrew Cooper

Stewart Golton

Matthew Robinson

Look into creating Sexual Assault Referral Clinic where woman can report to health workers rather than at a police station.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Work with stakeholders to lead the development of a comprehensive Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Promote educational programmes, action, and awareness of domestic abuse.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Support resourcing of refuges, rape crisis services, and others providing services to victims of intimate and domestic violence and sexual assault.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Take steps to ensure that women reporting misogyny, sexual harassment, and rape are treated seriously and with respect.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

Abolish Holbeck Red Light Zone and oppose any other Red Light Zones.

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

Better street lighting.

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

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Walking, Cycling, Buses, Trains, Roads, Airport

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Tracy Brabin

Bob Buxton

Andrew Cooper

Stewart Golton

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

Stop expansion of Leeds-Bradford Airport.

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Bring buses back into public control.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

take our bus services back into public ownership so we can ensure more affordable, more reliable, more convenient and more joined-up bus travel across the region.

Andrew Cooper

End public transport spending that allows private bus companies to increase their profits, whilst doing little to address unreliability and rising prices for passengers.

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

I’ll cut congestion for drivers, holding councils to account and getting extra government funds for roads.

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

Work to reduce transport and parking costs for health and social care workers.

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Work with large fuel retailers to provide electric charging points and deliver a network of thousands of charging points across the region.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

Aim to allow bus passes to be used in rush hour.

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

free public transport across West Yorkshire so that everyone has access to reliable, equitable transport.

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Invest in electric charging points and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure so electric and hydrogen buses can operate.

Tracy Brabin

Reduce air pollution with electric buses.

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Deliver a mass transit system that connects all of our region by 2040.

Tracy Brabin

Fight to deliver a West Yorkshire mass transit system.

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

a viable, efficient and future proofed mass transit system.

Matthew Robinson

Support HS2 to increase capacity for freight and local lines and to improve connectivity to Sheffield.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

HS2 is an overpriced white elephant.

Stewart Golton

I want to see schemes like NPR and HS2 delivered.

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

Seek to deliver transpennine connectivity with Northern Powerhouse Rail.

Stewart Golton

I want to see schemes like NPR and HS2 delivered.

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

Promote safer walking to school, support better planned cycleways.

Bob Buxton

We would ensure that pedestrians - and cyclists - were considered in all appropriate investment decisions and that walking and cycling infrastructure such as paths, benches and signs are high-quality and maintained regularly.

Andrew Cooper

Seek more investment in safer walking and cycling.

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Work to bring forward a new bike rental scheme for electric bikes including disabled accessible bikes.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

Work to create an integrated tap-in-tap-out, capped fair fare across the region.

Tracy Brabin

Seek to reduce transport prices with a smart tap and pay system for bus and rail.

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

We will put and end to new road building and widening schemes and invest in green transport to tackle the air pollution problem that affects us all..

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

Seek to get more investment in local bus routes; work to get more carriages and a greater frequency on train routes.

Stewart Golton

creating transport hubs and improving connections for our towns and rural communities so that they don’t feel cut off or miss out on new opportunities.

Matthew Robinson

Campaign for an inner-city station for Bradford on Northern Powerhouse Rail.

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

Fix potholes.

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

Build an inland port, reducing road freight.

Bob Buxton

No direct equivalent

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

No direct equivalent

Tracy Brabin

No direct equivalent

Bob Buxton

We would get the Queenbury Tunnel cycle scheme moving.

Andrew Cooper

No direct equivalent

Stewart Golton

No direct equivalent

Matthew Robinson

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Same Skies Think Tank
c/o The Making Space
The Media Centre,
Northumberland Street,
West Yorkshire,
Same Skies Think Tank CIC is a Community Interest Company limited by guarantee and registered in England & Wales. Company Number: 14008302