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The Regional Democracy Think Tank for West Yorkshire

Leafletting the West Yorkshire Combined Authority Meeting

Message chalked on the pavement outside WYCA meeting, reading "How might devolution be more democratic?"

In 2016 we went to two West Yorkshire Combined Authority meetings. First just to sit in and listen to what happened. The second time, Ed Carlisle and Alex Schafran leafleted people going into the meeting, and chalked questions on the pavement outside including "How might devolution be more democratic?".

By all accounts people going into the meeting took it positively, and the staff were pleased that anyone cared enough to go to the trouble!

Afterwards Alex asked Will West Yorkshire have the courage to make Devolution Democratic?.

What Kind Of Region Do We Want To Live In? A beginning...

Some thoughts and images from the beginning of the RegionalDemocracy event in Manningham, Bradford on Saturday. A full event report will appear on this blog …

A Yorkshire free, fair and fun for all?

Just over a year ago in the wake of the Scottish referendum, @ianeastleeds made this video.

Is it still relevant a year later? Are we …

What's stopping us?

Some thoughts and images from the Regional Democracy event in Manningham, Bradford on Saturday.

In this 'World Café' section of the event, people considered if …

Same Skies Think Tank
c/o The Making Space
The Media Centre,
Northumberland Street,
West Yorkshire,
Same Skies Think Tank CIC is a Community Interest Company limited by guarantee and registered in England & Wales. Company Number: 14008302