Conversations about the future of our region
Some thoughts and images from the #RegionalDemocracy event in Manningham, Bradford on Saturday. In this Open Space section, people suggested specific themed conversations they wanted to have about the kind of region they wanted to live in. These led to our final 'Golden Nuggets' from the day. A full event report will appear on this blog later in the week.
Could local public banks allow our region to do things independently of London?
When I’ve attended devolution conferences, I’ve found them interesting but at the same time I’ve been astonished that local public banking is …
"It is about checks and balances"
When we launched our collaborative book of hopeful ideas for Regional Democracy from West Yorkshire, we wanted to promote debate. If you haven't yet downloaded …
Summary of the West Yorkshire Devolution Deal
The national government in London has allowed West Yorkshire to have a "devolution deal" similar to Greater Manchester and the West Midlands among other places …