Same Skies Think Tank logo

The Regional Democracy Think Tank for West Yorkshire


Same Skies started as a network of citizens in 2015, and our organisational structure is still that as much as anything else.

If you'd like to get involved, either in our think tank activities, or the network, you will be very welcome. .Please do drop us a line.


Tiffany Holloman: Tiffany AT sameskiesthinktank DOT com
Andrew Wilson: Andrew AT sameskiesthinktank DOT com
Same Skies Think Tank
c/o The Making Space
The Media Centre,
Northumberland Street,
West Yorkshire,

Updates about our events.

* indicates required
Regional Democracy and Unheard Voices

Leila Taleb of the Same Skies Collective and JUST West Yorkshire recently spoke with Bradford Community Broadcasting about Regional Democracy and unheard voices (from 37 …

Regional Democracy and Unheard Voices

Leila Taleb of the Same Skies Collective and JUST West Yorkshire recently spoke with Bradford Community Broadcasting about Regional Democracy and unheard voices (from 37 …

From Failing Shopping Centre to Flourishing Arts Centre - The Piazza Arts Centre in Huddersfield

An empty 1970s shopping precinct in Huddersfield has been transformed into a unique arts centre, trebling exhibition audiences and leading to the formation of new …

Same Skies Think Tank
c/o The Making Space
The Media Centre,
Northumberland Street,
West Yorkshire,
Same Skies Think Tank CIC is a Community Interest Company limited by guarantee and registered in England & Wales. Company Number: 14008302