17:53:14 From Andrew (Same Skies) : 6pm Welcome and introduction to Same Skies and amp 6.05 speakers Neil Paul Irena 6.20 2 minute contributions from other people in the session 6.35pm Questions from the zoom chat 6.45 What would be your one ask of the new mayor? 6.50 next steps Walk and talk events 7pm close ORGANISERS AND SPEAKERS Neil McKenna https://environment.leeds.ac.uk/geography/pgr/9098/neil-mckenna Paul Chatterton https://environment.leeds.ac.uk/staff/1015/professor-paul-chatterton Irena Bauman https://baumanlyons.co.uk/ Same Skies http://sameskiesthinktank.com/ Rochyne Delaney McNulty https://rochynedm.wixsite.com/portfolio FURTHER INFO SAME SKIES https://sameskiesthinktank.com/our-story/ SAME SKIES BOOK (free downlaod) https://sameskiesthinktank.com/same-skies-think-tank-book-what-kind-region-want-to-live-in/ REGIONAL DEMOCRACY What Do We Mean By Regional Democracy? https://sameskiesthinktank.com/what-do-we-mean-by-regional-democracy/ AMP West Yorkshire https://www.thestateofthearts.co.uk/features/can-we-amp-up 17:58:58 From yannishnaik : Hi Paul 17:59:03 From yannishnaik : Hi Josie 17:59:16 From yannishnaik : I’m going to have to duck out part way through this folks, sorry! 17:59:43 From Rochyne : That's ok, are there any questions you'd like asking and feeding back? 18:00:24 From yannishnaik : No, thanks - mostly just joining to see what’s happening and in all honesty haven’t even had time to prepare 18:00:41 From Steve Hoey : Hello everyone! 18:00:48 From Lucy : Hi! 18:00:57 From James Newton : Hi Steve. Hi everyone! 18:01:15 From Emma Bearman : great to see so many people I;ve not seen since before lockdown 18:01:22 From Steve Hoey : :-) 18:01:37 From AndyB : Hey Emma! 18:01:38 From Lou Cunningham (LCH) (Armley) : hi everyone 😀 18:01:57 From Steve Peel, Climate Action Ilkley : Hello and apologies will probably have to leave early. 18:02:16 From James Newton : Hi Lou! 18:02:50 From Sarah Hart : hi everyone, sorry video off, not enough bandwidth in harrogate 18:03:05 From James Newton : Hi Sarah! 18:03:20 From Phil Bixby : Evening all - Phil Bixby from My Future York and Constructive Individuals (architect and Passivhaus Designer) 18:04:11 From James Newton : Hi Phil! 18:04:26 From Phil Bixby : James! Long time etc 18:04:35 From paul chatterton : Heres agenda again 18:20:41 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : brilliant shot in the arm there Paul 18:21:27 From yannishnaik : Community wealth building requires quite a lot of attention to creating and sustaining local enterprise. 18:21:57 From yannishnaik : Brilliant vision, need to think hard about how to bring that focus across different dimensions of the intervention 18:23:50 From paul chatterton : Wy great social enterprise culture. With serious investment it could turn the regional economy around. Social and community enterprises are the foundation to our wellbeing 18:24:35 From paul chatterton : we are talking about the foundational economy, need to see housing as a universal basic service, just like ohs, not a commodity to speculate on 18:24:45 From Phil Bixby : If more carbon goes into movement than heating homes, surely we *have to* always consider housing along with the other places we move between? 18:24:54 From yannishnaik : Totally agree, alongside the investment it takes a lot of knowledge + capacity to work with community providers so they can be ready to take on contracts according to demand - lots of places don’t have great experience/skills in market shaping 18:25:27 From Phil Bixby : Why not Passivhaus urban blocks? 18:25:53 From paul chatterton : Great Phil. Thats why density and localisation are key. Tech solutions are partly dead ends. The big answer is doing less, moving less, heating less (insulation). 18:27:13 From paul chatterton : what we learned at www.ilac.coop is put money into community infra not the perfect high tech eco housing 18:27:25 From paul chatterton : www.lilac.coop 18:27:57 From Hawarun Hussain : A million apologies everyone. A family emergency made me late... 18:28:04 From Kevin CW : what was the name of the German development, I missed it? 18:28:12 From Phil Bixby : Kronsberg 18:28:26 From yannishnaik : Hi Hawarun! :) Fancy seeing you here 18:28:44 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : why wait until she's elected!!! 18:29:19 From paul chatterton : put in chat a ‘H' 18:29:31 From Neil Stevens : What was the name of the German development? 18:29:43 From Rochyne : Kronsberg? 18:30:44 From Andy Walker, SURE Insulation : I'd like to say a few words about retrofit at a community level. 18:31:16 From Sandy R : People entering using their browser may have a hand function in participants. 18:31:19 From paul chatterton : I think we need a community development approach as we’ve seen before in Sheffield London etc 18:31:31 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : Could Paul expand on his Retrofit college idea 18:32:25 From paul chatterton : leeds college of building is a great start. Needs scaling and linking to employers who demand different skills around sustainable construction 18:32:59 From paul chatterton : Without market intervention, retrofit is likely tone another area for corporate growth and shareholder dividends, leaking more money out of region. 18:33:00 From Kevin CW : Including, of course, social housing associations as local developers :-) 18:33:07 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : The process we take to get to the future determines the future we get to Hawarun's pint 18:33:15 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : point not pint 18:33:59 From Kieran : Procurement methods will be key to any success , any Mayor should look to revolutionise the current contractor/development lead process... 18:34:09 From Phil Bixby : I think training in sustainable building skills is important but we need to go beyond just training tradespeople and into giving the community skills... as Andy's probably about to say! 18:34:27 From paul chatterton : id like to see some kind of community based version of this https://energiesprong.org 18:35:40 From yannishnaik : They have a UK chapter paul https://energiesprong.org/country/united-kingdom/ 18:35:54 From Phil Bixby : https://constructiveindividuals.co.uk/2020/05/07/a-conversation-about-skills-and-the-future/ 18:35:55 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : Would like to offer a provocation if that's of interest 18:36:05 From Rochyne : please do! 18:36:52 From huw : Retrofitting in West Yorkshire needs to take account of the good old Back to Back (proper back to back!!) terraces which only exist in West Yorks (40K) 18:37:27 From paul chatterton : My main concern is pipeline of volume built housing that will keep coming on stream. There needs to be legislation to stop it otherwise it’ll blow our finite climate budget. Every volume built home with a double garage is a threat to the safety of the next generation. 18:37:46 From Hawarun Hussain : * re-circulate the wealth key phrase to use more and more... we can not allow our wealth from our region to be taken out/off shore. 18:38:11 From paul chatterton : imaginer if you put a carbon tag on a house. Anything that isn’t net zero is now a risk. 18:38:38 From Neil McKenna : Agreed Emma - Housing and planning discussions would be a lot better (more engaging) if we really involved young people, and play with ideas acros generations 18:38:47 From paul chatterton : Great point Emma. Youth strike really keen on this agenda. Anyone on this call? 18:39:05 From Joseph Howell : Hi Everyone - I'm working on The Social Value of Innovative Finance project at Uni of Leeds. Two thoughts: I'd like to see the new mayoralty get a much bigger slice of Homes England funding and support and I'd like to see a Land Value Tax being further discussed to help fund our communities. 18:39:21 From huw : I agree Paul about challenging the focus on volume and numbers. If that continues the temptation for politicians will be to go with the same old, same old. We need to strongly promote the idea that Community Led Housing options can provide numbers as well as community benefit and value 18:40:33 From Irena Bauman : Hi I am actually prototyping an eco and heritage skills centre in Kirkham for young people who are learning on the back of refurbishing their on town's high street. they wil also be learning together with the builders who need upskilling 18:40:38 From paul chatterton : we need a zero carbon neighbourhood design standard as well as regional zero carbon homes standard which is deeply missed. If uk gov doesn’t bring it in, then WY needs to strike out and impose its own. 18:41:16 From Steve Hoey : Canopy involve young people in renovating their own future homes 18:41:32 From Rochyne : is that the builders that need upskilling Irena or the young people? 18:41:52 From Lyn Morton : Is anyone aware of RUSS in London, they're a community self build organisation but they are also trying to train people https://www.theruss.org/about/ - people the Mayor might want to talk to? 18:41:58 From Irena Bauman : builders first then young people 18:42:05 From Kevin CW : Worth mentioning social housing again here...we're linked right into the employment agenda too, poarticualrly constrruction apprenticeships. 18:42:09 From Joseph Howell : I love what Canopy and all the self-help housing movement are doing in Leeds - a great model! 18:42:27 From James Newton : Exactly, Steve. The key is engaging young people by giving them opportunities to renovate or build their own homes! 18:42:29 From Steve Hoey : big growth of community led housing in WY in the last 2 years, I can comment on this good news to build on 18:42:35 From Luke - Zero Carbon Yorkshire : I think the key asks to the new mayor would be to lobby for better housing building regulation, invest in decarbonising heating and transport (60% as Paul noted earlier) and provide a viable support framework for community funding of housing and provide a high percentage of affordable housing. The balance of meeting the housing need, keeping it affordable and pushing forward with sustainability is always a tricky one. 18:42:37 From Dan Kinghorn : MOBIE trying to get young people interested and trained in future construction and homes: https://www.mobie.org.uk/#what-is-mobie 18:43:23 From paul chatterton : Leeds community homes is a great model, and tip of iceberg of community homes movement nationally. https://www.communityledhomes.org.uk 18:43:28 From Andy Walker, SURE Insulation : To Huw: Back-to-Back houses must be included in all the retrofit work. Using my approach to super-insulation I've transformed a house from EPC E to just short of EPC A (had a few solar panels been fitted it would have been full EPC A) .. Cost: under £20K 18:44:20 From Luke - Zero Carbon Yorkshire : presumably this is a quote for a mid terrace Andy? 18:44:31 From Andy Walker, SURE Insulation : yes - mid terrace 18:44:51 From huw : Ecellent news Andy. The case needs to be made about the valueof investment in retrofitting to make better use of what we have rather than a continuing over-emphasis on numbers driven building 18:45:16 From Andy Walker, SURE Insulation : Agreed -- we'll never new build our way out of carbon emissions 18:45:46 From Lucy Meredith : https://www.make-the-shift.org/ 18:45:56 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : I'm thinking more broadly than apprenticeships, I'm thinking the campaign which is about participatory democracy needs to involve young people from NOW 18:46:06 From James Newton : A regional retrofit programme that gives funding at a street level that allow residents to realise savings and to give communities the collective power to reduce their co2 emissions 18:46:10 From Paul : Fascinating presentations and discussion. Thanks. Can I reinforce Yannishnaik's comments on economic development. An economy which supports community prosperity is critical to give people and communities opportunities and the capacity to address the issues we face. The Mayro's role in terms of the regional economy is key for me. 18:46:14 From paul chatterton : civic finance is a really great positive. Check out mark Davis ‘municipal finance’ 18:46:56 From Mike Prior : Big Ask to Mayor: Put zero carbon, the ecological emergency and social justice front and centre of all existing and future policies and deliveries 18:47:27 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : Interesting to know where pension trust funds are starting to invest, especially on the high street level, to Irena's point 18:47:35 From paul chatterton : Also issue is how we live not homes we live in. Big hidden emissions in aviation and consumer durables. So the agenda is less is more, build back better, home working, 15 min neighbourhood, active travel, local goods/services 18:47:55 From Lucy Meredith : I would suggest watching this film http://www.pushthefilm.com/ 18:48:19 From Phil Bixby : Another vote for Push 18:48:22 From huw : I was involved in trying to get Housing Market Renewal money for WY in early 2000s but that programme died once politicians loss interest in the time it needed to achieve c'numbers' 18:48:26 From Mike Prior : Can someone please explain what’s meant by recirculating local wealth? How is it done? 18:48:26 From paul chatterton : Big interest in ‘active travel neighbourhoods’ in Leeds and WY. Like Waltham Forest. Check it out. Leeds rolling out 6 and more to come. Same in other parts of WY? 18:49:18 From Neil McKenna : PUSH film is great - really shows opportunity for West Yorks mayor to reach out internationally, collaborate and share progressive models/approaches e.g. declaring a 'right to adequate housing' 18:49:21 From paul chatterton : https://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/news/politics/council/15-minute-neighbourhoods-could-help-combat-climate-change-claims-expert-2893122 18:49:32 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : 15 minutes neighbourhood needs to think about GOOD WORK on your doorstep, or travel to get to shit work dominates (car) 18:50:41 From Sarah Hart : great project in Lille, the mayor of Lille is passionate about 15 min neighbourhoods and mixed tenure in developments including educational, hotels, social and community led and open market. 18:50:43 From Lou Cunningham (LCH) (Armley) : and community safety 18:50:46 From Sarah Hart : https://www.nweurope.eu/projects/project-search/shicc-sustainable-housing-for-inclusive-and-cohesive-cities/#tab-2 18:51:07 From Phil Bixby : yoco.uk trying to do this in York 18:51:08 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : Good wondering and wandering design 18:51:08 From James Newton : A third vote for “Push” from me. The follow up Podcasts are good: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1189295 - they focus on the issues of the financialisation of housing. Lots of interest views on where our pensions are invested and how cities can fight back. The new mayor could make a commitment to https://www.make-the-shift.org/ 18:51:36 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : travel needn't be utiliatarian from A to b for fit people, but how do we LOVE where we live 18:51:38 From Andy Walker, SURE Insulation : Working from home will happily reduce travel needs also 18:52:00 From Sarah Hart : Having lived in Little Germany, great 15 min neighbourhood, but 6 lane traffic by your bedroom window....just not good full stop for so many reasons 18:52:34 From Jane Fontana and Mike Piet : Planning application in for hundreds of traditional houses in East Leeds Extension - this needs to be reworked. 18:52:35 From paul chatterton : We have to for health reasons. road pollution can increase vulnerability to a respiratory disease like covid. 18:52:54 From Hugh Goulbourne : Sorry to have to leave a bit early. Thanks for organising. 18:53:05 From Luke - Zero Carbon Yorkshire : Council's get a high percentage of their funding through business rates, the mayor could help scale business rates to encourage lower rates in the neighbourhoods that are lacking the facilities people are travelling to get to 18:53:09 From James Newton : It’s like what Irena was saying about building businesses back into housing areas to create better, sustainable neighbourhoods 18:53:12 From paul chatterton : Local green space is key esp in terms of public health during lock downs 18:53:13 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : It's about universal access to wifi/tech/devices/skills/inclusive practice if GOOD work is to enable more digital capacity and freedom of choice 18:53:39 From paul chatterton : universal basic services = internet, housing, free transport. 18:53:49 From Kieran : Public transport needs to be made cheaper than using the car - in order for it to be a public service... 18:53:57 From Jane Fontana and Mike Piet : Look at Leeds Civic Trust ideas for getting rid of the roads in East Leeds - Liveable Leeds website 18:54:02 From Rochyne : I agree with that Paul 18:54:33 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : check out Digital Access West Yorkshire - refurbing tech to get devices/wifi/support to those who need it. Repair/Redistribute 18:54:40 From Karin CVCLT : There's a lot of support for community-led housing and community land trusts, but it is difficult to find the funds for social housing without significant grants, despite community shares and help from LAs eg land, or old housing. CLTs are innovative but may need extra support and recognition of their role. 18:54:59 From Alison Leech : commitment to working in partnership with locally based housing associations 18:55:01 From Andy Walker, SURE Insulation : Be ambitious. Be bold. Grasp the opportunity to #BuildBackBetter 18:55:01 From Sarah Hart : Seed corn funding for community led housing and community businesses 18:55:02 From Luke - Zero Carbon Yorkshire : Decarbonise (Housing & Transport) 18:55:02 From yannishnaik : Have a clear route map for zero carbon housing by 2035 to include new builds, retrofitting of existing housing, upskilling and community enterprise 18:55:05 From Neil McKenna : Key ask - bring play/experimentation into approach to urbanism 18:55:11 From Lou Cunningham (LCH) (Armley) : keeping it real....proper community involvement 18:55:14 From Usman Ali : Invest in Social Housing in West Yorkshire and build more homes. 18:55:15 From Karen Houghton : Encourage leaders, particularly councillors, to be brave. Educate, inspire 18:55:18 From Phil Bixby : Think about housing as neighbourhood - we need to bring other elements of people's lives closer to them 18:55:27 From Dan Kinghorn : Passion - for place and quality. 18:55:27 From Jane Fontana and Mike Piet : integrate planning & transport to deliver a zero carbon future 18:55:33 From huw : To place an emphasis on true affordability of housing either ne build or refurbished and a real focus on the housing needs of young people 18:55:43 From Lyn Morton : Don't follow established practice in housing, talk to community groups who are already doing it differently 18:55:55 From Kevin CW : Consider anchor institutions, like social housing associations, who are linked into employment, green agenda, community space etc and how they can contribute 18:56:02 From Lawrence Kitson : My one ask: Start with the needs of the users of neighbourhoods and society first. Plan and design from there and fix the fundamental and systemic blockers that prevent the right design of future housing and neighbourhoods being realised. 18:56:08 From Samantha.Granger : Investment in training and supporting development of SME's to deliver the building and retrofit programmes. Skills gap must be a priority. 18:56:13 From Joseph Howell : Address land banking and explore a land value tax toward social regeneration... 18:56:14 From Kate Lock : invest in nature and green spaces - link to local food production esp but also health, climate adaptation, air quality .... 18:56:19 From paul chatterton : regional network of ‘community retrofit centres’ that upskill community enterprises and do mass street by street retrofit under a 10 yr plan 18:56:20 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : The process you take to get to the future, determines the future you/we will get. So think NOW about embedding true participation into any process of becoming mayor, and how the role isn't exclusively for the HERO to take/create power but to become a citizens assembly which isn't just for the time rich social capital middle classes 18:56:23 From Jenny Fisher : Zero carbon placemaking and sustainable travel 18:56:25 From Rochyne : Community involvement at all levels and a priority on zero carbon place making. 18:56:28 From Claudia Bowler : Decentralised infrastructure and opportunities with zero carbon goals at it’s heart (housing, transport, food) 18:56:40 From Hawarun Hussain : Bring forward to date for de-Carbonisation by 10 years at least and start thinking holistically about achieving the target 18:56:50 From Paul : for the Mayor: an economy focussed on supporting prosperity for people, and not having economic growth as the key outcome. 18:56:51 From Alastair Marsh : Get a healthy balance between balancing quantitative evidence (e.g. estimates of carbon emissions) with qualitative evidence (e.g. people's feelings and impressions of different options). 18:57:05 To Andrew (Same Skies)(Privately) : Request to mayor - take your lead on all matters from the people who vote you in, not corporate special interests. There is too much at stake to continue business as usual. 18:57:13 From Rochyne : I'd ask the mayor to go out talk to as small small west yorkshire based organisations as possible, community housing groups, social housing tennants, builders, architects, to get a very granualr feel for who is out there in the regiona and what would help them (From Andrew via a technical hitch) 18:57:21 From James Newton : Going back to engaging young people and giving them the opportunity to build their own homes. You could consider community tiny house building. Great project in York looking into this: https://www.ophouse.co.uk/ and they’re taking inspiration from Minitopia in the Netherlands: http://www.minitopia.eu/ - could the mayor make more land available for people to build cost effective/temporary housing plots at little cost? 18:57:37 From Lucy Meredith : Stop firms buying up housing in areas and making cities unaffordable for local people (see again http://www.pushthefilm.com/ ) commit to keeping housing affordable.. 18:57:39 From Sarah Hart : Educational facilities that are fit for purpose for the future in skilling young people for the future 18:57:42 From Kieran : Procurement methods that promote the circular economy and a sustainable one - 'Donut Economics' as their handbook ! 18:57:43 From Alice : Consider partnership working with anchor institutions, building homes and who are present in the community for the long term 18:57:49 From Hawarun Hussain : Please can you circulate the comments in chat box via email.. 18:57:51 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : me 18:57:58 From yannishnaik : You should have my email on the participant list. Happy to have an informal chat about this with same skies team. 18:58:13 From Lawrence Kitson : Hand up 18:58:20 From Keith Pitcher : The mayor should contact trustees of pension funds and asked how the investment decisions and statement of investment principles of the fund specify how: Their policies in relation to financially material considerations (including those relating to environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations, such as climate change), over the appropriate time horizon of the investments including how those considerations are taken into account in the selection, retention and realisation of investments. The extent (if at all) to which members’ views on non-financial matters (including ethical views, views in relation to social and environmental impact and present and future quality of life of the members and beneficiaries of the trust scheme) are taken into account in the selection, retention and realisation of investments. See https://www.plsa.co.uk/Policy-and-Research-Document-library-More-light-less-heat 18:58:22 From Irena Bauman : next step- collect exemplars that worked and could work here to inspire 18:58:57 From Steve Hoey : I'll be happy to contribute on the community led housing sector angle 18:59:17 From Samantha.Granger : Providers of Social Housing should be involved 18:59:20 From Luke - Zero Carbon Yorkshire : I assume the candidates will have a hustings, this will give us an opportunity to ask a couple of killer questions to understand their approach to sustainable development 18:59:54 From Hawarun Hussain : yes to walking … 19:00:01 From Kevin CW : We can do one in Calderdale, I'm sure (Together Housing) 19:00:18 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : if it's not too dominating of proceedings I would like to suggest something 19:00:25 From Kieran : Is there already something planned for the Bradford walk ? 19:00:34 From huw : I would be very happy to contribute what ever I can to the Same kies 19:00:36 From Lucy Meredith : Happy to help if I can have experience of working on walking events, and also work for Leeds Community Homes & Zero carbon Yorkshire 19:00:55 From Neil McKenna : Bradford - potentially something with Rooted In/ Inspired Neighbourhoods/In Communities 19:01:12 From Neil McKenna : Any other suggestions of orgs/people who are doing interesting things in Bradford? 19:01:34 From Rochyne : That would be fab Lucy, happy to chat about more possible talks/discussions and events 19:01:41 From Kieran : Yes , Civic Society & MSA have a project in Bradford which we could do something on 19:01:50 From Phil Bixby : Have to leave, but excellent session, and look forward to seeing where it leads! 19:02:00 From Steve Hoey : Emma for mayor! 19:02:12 From Sarah Hart : Go for it 19:02:17 From Luke - Zero Carbon Yorkshire : we will happily promote the walks (ZCY) to our members through our newsletter 19:02:35 From yannishnaik : Thanks all great call, going to leave now 19:03:19 From Sarah Hart : Actually dont stop at mayor become the prime minister 19:03:27 From Kevin CW : Green Party's Ros Brown has lots of thoughts on this Emma. 19:03:32 From paul chatterton : This mayor election is a turning point. We either reject the fantasy politics of constant growth and high carbon unequal northern life, or embrace a new paradigm of socially just zero carbon liveable sustainable West Yorkshire. 19:03:47 From Lawrence Kitson : Id be interested in a walk around huddersfield TownCentre to look at buildings, and its current usage and ask questions as to why it is how it is (Im not directly in housing and planning but have lots of questions it would be great ask people who know more than I do! 19:03:51 From Andy Walker, SURE Insulation : Fully aggree Paul!! 19:04:00 From Irena Bauman : lets stand as a team 19:04:19 From Luke - Zero Carbon Yorkshire : Well put Paul 19:04:22 From Neil McKenna : Agreed Emma - Yes - need to move away from rolling personality contest and focus on actual change, collaboratively defined 19:04:26 From huw : I agree too Paul 19:04:44 From Lucy Meredith : Whoop Emma!!! 19:04:48 From Lawrence Kitson : Totally Emma 19:04:50 From Karen Houghton : Yes, I’ll job share this 19:05:07 From Samantha.Granger : Thank you for involvement in the event. I look forward to seeing how this develops. 19:05:16 From Usman Ali : Excuse me guys, I have to get off. Apologies. 19:05:23 From paul chatterton : we also have 19th century institutions trying to tackle 21c problems. So its a new kind of politics! 19:05:24 From Lawrence Kitson : Thank you everyone for your talks I found tonight to be very inspiring. You were all brilliant and cant wait to the next one, Im sorry I have to leave now 19:05:28 From Steve Hoey : go Emma 19:05:35 From Andy Walker, SURE Insulation : The advantage of this group putting a mayoral candidate forward would force the hustings to include all these arguments 19:05:55 From Hawarun Hussain : Happy to host a walk in Saltaire 19:05:57 From Steve Hoey : in a good way Emma! Well done 19:06:01 From Luke - Zero Carbon Yorkshire : There is an irony of devolving power... to one person 19:06:24 From paul chatterton : Lets all get 5 other people interested, then grow this…. 19:06:25 From Karen Houghton : Happy to host in Todmorden, plans to spend the Towns Fund 19:06:27 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : thank you 19:06:33 From Steve Hoey : Mayoral candidate on the call btw - Hawarun 19:06:36 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : sorry that got a bit sweary 19:06:36 From Andy Walker, SURE Insulation : My email: Andy.Walker@SUREinsulation.co.uk 19:06:40 From paul chatterton : thanks all 19:06:42 From Hawarun Hussain : Thank you all. 19:06:46 From Joseph Howell : thank you everyone 19:06:53 From Kevin CW : Thank you 19:06:57 From Steve Hoey : thanks everyone 19:06:58 From Neil McKenna : Thank you all! 19:07:00 From Mike Prior : Thanks - great Zoom - well done Andy 19:07:03 From Andy Walker, SURE Insulation : .. bye all .. and now off to my next Zoom :-) 19:07:07 From Steve Hoey : Thanks to organisers and speakers 19:07:11 From huw : Thanks everyone 19:07:14 From Alastair Marsh : Thanks all 19:07:18 From Emma Bearman Emporess of Play and Creativity : edit out my squashing these shits bit 19:07:21 From Dawn Smallwood : Thank you 19:07:22 From Kieran : Thanks a lot ! 19:07:39 From Lucy Meredith : Thanks everyone! 19:07:53 From Kevin CW : kevin.campbell-wright@togetrherhousing.co.uk for me 19:08:14 From Sarah Hart : thanks everyone